Weight Plates (33)
Weight Plates
Weight plates are not only affordable and durable but also perfect for home exercises. Whether you are a beginner or expert lifter, get high-quality Olympic plates, barbell plates, cast iron weight plates, colored weight plates, etc. at Fitness Equipment Dublin.
Our bumper plates set, both colored and black, are available for purchase in 5kg, 10kg, 15kg, and 20 kg. If you are a beginner, you can start your fitness journey with 5 kg weight plates. And if you are looking for durable yet affordable gym plates, then you can buy our cast-iron weights.
With our tri-grip plates like tri-grip Olympic weight plate and tri grip rubber plates, you can perform barbell exercises like squatting, curls, benching, and overhead pressing.
Best Quality weight plates for sale
At Fitness Equipment Dublin, we have an extensive range of weight plates sale. From Olympic weight plates and bumper plate set to cast iron weight plates and rubber weight plates, we have the perfect plates for every fitness need.

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With great reviews from happy customers our aim is to please.Location:
19 Castleview Crescent,
Co. Dublin,
K67 VW96
Phone: 087 908 1276