Home Workout Equipment
There are a lot of workouts that can be performed with nothing but body weight. But to realize the true potential of working out, you'd need to buy home gym equipment. That's because after a point, your body gets used to the body weight. Thus, it needs further resistance, which the weight equipment provides. In this article, we list the top 12 must-have types of equipment you need to have at home for a full body workout.
1. Dumbbells
You can effectively exercise your arms, chest, and shoulders with a few set of curls. Perform lunges with added dumbbells to increase the intensity. This will be a great exercise for your lower body.

Dumbbells are also convenient and take up less space. You can either buy a fixed or adjustable dumbbell set. With adjustable dumbbells, you can increase or decrease the weight as per the workout. Also the adjustable dumbbells help with storage since you can disassemble the parts and store each part individually.
So include a pair of dumbbells when you buy home gym equipment online or offline.
2. Barbells
Barbells are similar to dumbbells in purpose. They allow you to add weights to your workout. But barbells are better for heavy compound lifts and offer greater stability. So if you're performing workouts like power deadlift, then barbells are a must.
You can choose between a standard or Olympic barbell. Standard barbells are ideal for moderate weight exercises that require 250 lbs or less. Olympic barbells have high tensile strength and can withstand a weight of more than 1500 lbs.
For home workouts, a standard barbell set should be sufficient enough.
3. Kettlebell Weights Set
Another "bell" on the list is the Kettlebell. They're a modern approach to working out, thanks to the popularity of sports like CrossFit and Strongman. Especially the "kettlebell swing" workout is highly popular among the masses.
Kettlebells are intended for high-rep range workouts. They're easy to move around, and hence work better than dumbbells and barbells.
Kettlebells are also good for conditioning workouts where you're recovering from an injury and you're working out a specific muscle group. So you should definitely have a pair of high-quality kettlebells at your home gym. They're available in all fitness equipment Ireland stores.
4. Additional Weight Plates
Weight plates are essential items that allow you to add weights to dumbbells and barbells as per your requirement. However, you can only add these plates to adjustable dumbbells and barbells. Fixed variants are incapable of taking in any additional weight.
There are several types of weight plates you can choose from. And they also come in different sizes. Dumbbell weight plates are smaller in size. You can select from rubber, metal, or urethane coated plates.
5. Jump Ropes
By skipping every day for 10-15 minutes, you can:
Tone your calves
- Exercise your core
- Increase lung capacity
- Build stamina
It's basically a full-body workout that you can do anywhere -- on the field, inside of your home, or on your terrace. Done consistently, it will also help you shed weight.
As already said, they're inexpensive. So you shouldn't think twice before ordering it from an Irish fitness equipment store (if you're from Ireland).
6. Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are even cheaper or on par with jump ropes. And just like jump ropes, these bands have several health benefits.
First, you can use them for performing a range of workouts. Unlike dumbbells, you can perform squat and follow it up with a bicep curl immediately. There's no weight adjustment needed. Resistance bands have natural resistance on offer.
Furthermore, they're highly portable. You can keep the bands in your pocket and take them anywhere you want to. They come in varying colors. So grab your favorite colored resistance bands and start stretching.
7. Racks
Racks aren't a must, but they can make your home gym workouts so much better and authentic. It’s because they help you with balancing the barbells. Without the rack, you run the risk of losing balance while squatting.There are two types of racks, which are squat rack and power rack.
- The squat rack is used for performing squats with barbells and has a smaller footprint. It consists of two bars with holes for racking the barbell. There are variants that have spotter arms, a pull-up bar, or resistance band anchors.
- A power rack is comparatively larger with a square design. These come with a pull-up bar attached to them along with spotter arms and plate holders.

When buying from a home gym equipment Dublin store, you got to specify the type of rack you want.
8. Treadmill
Treadmills are a go-to option for people who love to run but lack time to visit their nearest playground or stadium. You can get a treadmill for your home and start your day by running for a mile inside of your home.
The modern treadmills allow you to set the workout intensity. So you can start with regular warm-up walking and pace up all the way to a HIIT workout session. A few treadmills allow you to increase the incline, thus allowing for a "walk the hills" workout.
Buying a treadmill isn't straightforward, especially because of the price involved. So you must consult with a gym equipment sale store in your area before making the decision.
9. Stationary Bicycle
Another excellent at-home gym equipment is the stationary bike. It puts less stress on your joints while burning calories. Cycling is a great way to pump your heart. So if you prioritize cardiovascular workouts, then get a stationary bicycle for your home.
Just like a treadmill, a stationary bike is going to be expensive. So you need proper consultation and research before you buy.
10. Pull up Bars
Pull up bars are another inexpensive gym equipment that you can install at your home. And the workout benefits they offer are superior to many equipment mentioned above.
First, pullups are considered an advanced, upper-body strength training workout. So not everyone will be able to do it. But once you get to that level, you'd be able to strengthen a variety of muscle groups like the back muscles, arm, shoulder, and core. Along with that, improve your grip.
Pull up bars do not consume any floor space since you fix them on the walls. So a must-have gym equipment for every home.
11. Weight Benches
Weight benches allow you to maintain the right posture for workouts like benchpress. Without this, you may not target the muscles group effectively. With additional accessories purchased from a home gym equipment store in Dublin, you can perform workouts like crunches, chin-ups, and more at home.
As a downside, you'd have to devote a certain amount of space to the bench. But the benefits are plenty, which makes the weight benches a must for home gyms.
12. Hip Bands
Another highly-effective workout equipment is a hip band, also known as resistance booty bands. You may have seen these performed by online fitness freaks. That's because they're easy to perform anywhere. And in a way, they look cool too.
As you stretch and relax the bands, the muscle tension around the hip area increases. So they effectively tone your glutes, hamstrings, and hip muscles. A banded lateral walk is the most common workout with hip bands. You make sideways lateral movement in squat position. It's a great way to maximize glute muscles work.