Home Gym Equipment
From rural Dingle to urban Dublin and back again to rural Donegal one of the emerging trends from lockdown after lockdown in Ireland is the demand for home gyms to offset the gym closures, redundant gym membership and the health risks which many perceive from going to the gyms even when they are open.
Second only to the "home office" interior design trend - exercise spaces at home have become a necessity for many the length and breath of Ireland and we would like to give you some tips about how you should go about planning and stocking your exercise room including some ideas on how to get started for under €100
Here a few things you would want to keep in mind when setting up a home gym - just to make sure your home workout area actually works the way you want it to.
1. Location, Location, Location.

The 3 things to consider on the location of your home gym design are:
2. Motivation, Motivation, Motivation

Your home gym setup is more than just a workout space - it's a design ideas basement space where you get self motivated to achieve your goals, especially as you don't have the same support that a gym class or personal trainer would offer.In this sense it is as much a place for mental exercise as it is for physical exercise.
As such, find what motivates YOU - whether it be motivational quotes, fitness memes, or pictures of what you aspire to. Surround yourself with whatever inspires you, and your workouts will be a lot easier.
3. Start small and build up your gym items
In terms of home gym product recommedations for your designed gym, I am going to keep it simple.
Here are 3 home gym ideas (links on our site) to get you started for less than €100
Resistance Bands Sets - €35 - very easy to store - can perform many many exercises and produce up to 120lbs of resistance on all muscle groups
Yoga Mat - €22 - essential for all stretching and body weight exercises. Mats usually fold againand can be secured with a carry strap
Kettlebell - from €32 - A single kettlebell is an excellent way to lift heavy without having to stock lots of weight. Ketllebell squats and swings are great for core strength and legs and builds muscle fast, while upper body is also taken care or with lateral and front raises and shoulder presses
4. Expanding your Gym
For those of you with more space and looking for more advanced equipment I would suggest:
Adjustable Bench - essential if also considering a barbell and plates, and also allows you to do lots of work with dumbbells, bench press etc.
Set of Dumbbells - a range of sets from 5kg to 20kg may be optimal. Adjustable Dumbbells also an option but can be cumbersome always adjusting the weights.
Power Bands - various strengths available depending on your strength level - brilliant for resistance
Barbell and Bumper Plates -Iron plated are ideal when you have a dedicated room or a garage gym. Sets of 5kg, 10kg, 15kg weight plates recomended
Noteworthy mentions also goes to the following pieces of equipment if setting up a home gym.
1. Ezy curl bars for those bicep curls
2. Pull up bars for overall strength training
3. Exercise ball or Medicine Ball
4. Power Rack if you have the budget and space
5. Cross Trainers or rowing machines to maintain cardio and get heart rate pumping.
Fitness Equipment Dublin is based in Swords and specialises in providing home gym products,with fast and efficient delivery Nationwide. All the products mentioned above are available for purchase below
Best of luck with your endeavours building a home gym!!